Celebrating the Heart of a
Servant Leader

Mother Grace Davis-Harris

"and the Beat goes on.."
Mother Grace Davis-Harris
Mother Grace Harris started with very humble beginnings. So began the unique heartbeat that would impact the world with a rhythm of its own. She soon became a part of the foster care system that would take her from home to home until in 1963 she would be nurtured and welcomed into the care of Mother Pearlie B. Magee who taught her the way of holiness... And the beat goes on.
As she matured and served in the church, she began to get everyone's attention and soon people would stand back in awe of the obvious anointing God had placed on her life. And the beat goes on...
She grew to love the church and developed a heart of compassion for its people. In 1968 she began her endeavors for higher education earning 3 post graduate degrees: a Bachelor of Arts of Science in Psychology and a Masters in Guidance and Counseling. And the beat goes on as she earned a Doctorate in Educational Administration.
Dr. Harris moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and began serving in the Wisconsin Northwest Jurisdiction as State Minister of Music, Vice President of the Missions Department and Dean of the Women's Training Institute. And the beat goes on...
In 2001 she married the distinguished Mr. George Harris whose love caused her heart to beat with new excitement. AND THE BEAT GOES ON...
After serving faithfully as Chairperson for the WNWJ Department of Women for eleven years under the leadership of Mother Earnestine A. Tatum, Mother Harris was installed as Jurisdictional Supervisor of the Wisconsin Northwest
Jurisdiction Department of Women in November 2003 in Memphis, TN. Serving faithfully with the late Bishop Adolphus Allen. And the beat goes on... as she continues to serve diligently with Jurisdictional Prelate and General Board Member, Bishop C. H. McClelland.
"For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward Him so he can show his great power in helping them." II Chronicles 16:9
Because of her servant heart God chose her and opened doors that placed her on the National Publishing Board. Then in 2017 Dr. Harris was appointed by General Supervisor, Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis to serve as the Administrative Facilitator for the International Department of Women heading the Educational Initiatives, making her one of the highest-ranking women in the largest Pentecostal denomination in the United States. She would also, go on to serve as a member of the church's National Executive Board. And the Beat goes on...
Dr. Grace Davis-Harris has been blessed to minister across the country and was privileged to have been chosen as keynote speaker during the 2013 Women's International Convention in Orlando, FL.
We believe that this event is a unique opportunity to celebrate Dr. Grace Davis-Harris' achievements and contributions to the Wisconsin Northwest Jurisdiction and beyond. Through her leadership, she has inspired many to have a heart that beats after God. We hope that you can join us in this celebration and be inspired by the expressions and experiences shared by our speakers.